Okay so you may have noticed my lack of blogging....or maybe not, but no excuse. Life has just been busy. I was called as the 2nd counselor for the womens group in our church. It is called the Relief Society for those of you who arent familiar. That keeps we walking but adding that with my almost 3 year old and my little one year old almost walker... and I am running around ALL the time. For now I just wanted to post real quick before I forget, them I will try and backtrack the last few months.
Yesterday we got home from church and I asked Eldon, " What did you do and learn in nursery?"
Eldon: "I got injury"
Me: "injury... did someone hurt you babe?"
Eldon: " no momma, I got lots of enjuries"
Me: " Eldon do you me energy, do you have lots of energy"
Eldon: " Uh-huh i have way much engery"
Hahaha, If you have met eldon, you know just how much "engeries" my son actually has! Luckily we have avoided injuries other than a bruise or a scrape, know on wood! So I'm sure they taught a lesson, had a snack, played with friends, but the one thing El picks up is he has lots of energy. (which is true)
Reminds me I need to watch my quick comments because he picks up on the little comments
Monday, June 4, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Mommy falls down
So in our city there is a park, and in the park their is a playground, and in the playground there is slide, a slide that me and Mark take turns laughing at each other as we slide down it. This slide as you can see, has a drop off. whats worse is when you come out of the slide you cant bend your knees and sit up. So as you can see from this picture it is meas I come out the slid, mark snapped this photo without me knowing and I found it a few days ago. The other day I went to the park with the kids by myself and Eldon made me go down. When I am am laughing struggling to get to my feet, I here Eldon talking to some little boy, "My mommy falls down!" he is laughing and being so silly. So I say if I have to fall down every day for the rest of my life I will. Just to hear Eldon's sweet little belly laugh that reminds me so much of when he was little and I use to tickle him. So my advice to any and all moms out there is : Fall down, and fall down a lot, because you never know when your kids are watching. Don't take life to seriously because really how funny is it to watch mommy slip just like you!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
long time coming...
When I sat down to finally post something new, which I realize I haven't done for quite some time I found a few un-finished post. I really haven't had much to say and if I am being completely honest, which this is my journal in a sense so I will be; Life has been, for lack of a more eloquent word, HARD! Live lately has been tough and demanding. In the last few months our family has been thrown many curves and a few have hit us pretty hard. But now is not the time to post on that. Now I wanted to shoot our a few of my un-published post. Here are a few pictures that were taken when my mom visited us way back in february I believe it was.
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Eldon loved walking in Nanna's boots |
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Mom showed eldon how to feed gracie! |
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nanna to us to the children's Museum |
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Eldon called himseld Monkey George |
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Gracie was verrry tired while we were at the museum |
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Day 8
Day # 8 of Things I Love
I LOVE a CLEAN bathroom
These days we seem to have a clean potty, but after Eldon gets in for a bath the carpets are soaked, wrappers are pealed off of toys, TP ends up in the tub, or unrolled all over the floor. And may I add to that Eldon is potty training, and it getting good about going by himself, so I say to people Eldon doesn't go in his pants anymore, but he does go in the bathroom, yes it may be the floor beside the toilet, the wall, or the seat, sometimes the inside of the toilet if its a good day. Ha ha he refuses to sit down, he saw his daddy stand up and now he insist on going pee the same way! ha ha I just laugh it off and clean it later when I get a chance. And every night I (usually) go in every night and throw the rug in the wash and clean up the messes. So this is what our bathroom looks like from around 10pm til when El wakes up. I love to walk in to a clean clutter free and dry bathroom!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Day 7
Day #7 of Things I Love
Okay so I swear I will start putting up more variety, but seriously my 2 kids are my life; they are my happy, healthy, energetic, of the wall, silly, sometimes grumpy little buddies. Some days are harder than most, but if I look for that one special moment each day, I can see my day as a success. So today what do I love?
I love Sweet Innocent EYES!
Eldon turns to me right before bedtime/snuggle time, and while nodding his head exclaims, " go get Eldon miwk (milk) pweeze (please) momma, I need it huwwy (hurry) go get me some now!"
Haha I turn and look and see this little face staring back at me! haha how am I suppose to tell this guy no. He did say please, and he asked in a very sweet voice, so I grabbed my camera asked him what he wanted one more time, and snapped a picture at the end. Then I went off to fetch him some milk, as demanded. Seriously Eldon is my kryptonite! I admit it i am whipped by a 2 year old, and he rules the roost! I love those perfect oval shaped eyes!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 6
Day # 6 of Things I Love
I love Sleeping Babies
As much as I love my kids when they are awake, there is a different type of feeling when they finally give up and surrender to sleep. I think I would equate the feeling to winning the super bowl for a NFL player. That moment when you look down, and their sweet little eyes begin to drop, I get this amazing euphoric feeling. If your not a mom it's hard to explain, or maybe everyone feels the same, I know growing up I was always proud of myself when I would put a baby to sleep in my arm, but it feels 100 times better when I get my own kids asleep. It is just amazing to hold your sleeping child in your arms. I tell Mark all the time I can't stop giving them kisses and hugs when they are finally asleep, and how hard it is to lay them down, I just want to squeeze them so tight and never let go!
As many of you know, to the few who read my blog, I have "issues" putting my kids down. And I prefer rocking them to bed verses laying them in bed to fall asleep on there own. I feel like I miss out on my favorite thing if I do. Eldon won't fall asleep in my arms anymore, but I have got him back to ""nuggling" (snuggling) as he calls it on the couch under a blanket to keep warm, and he makes me hold his hand! So today I love my sleeping snuggly squeezable kissable loveable babies!
Gracie is 8 Months
"Hi I'm 8 months old"
I'm a bit late in posting, but this little bean is 8 months old now. She is "all girl" as Mark would say. Se is our happy little baby still, and is getting a bit more sleep now that she is eating more food, and nursing about the same, every 3 hours. She is so much different than Eldon. It's like night and day. It's like the rulebook that I wrote for Eldon and how to make him happy has to be thrown out, because she is her own little person and she wants things a certain way. As long as me and Mark follow along she is picture perfect as you can see from the photo above. She said mama for her first word this past month, and now says it when she is upset mostly, but she says dada all day long!
My mom gave me this quote about one of her seminary student, and I think it totally applies to Gracie, "She is no sheep!" Roughly translated to mean she does not follow other, she blazes her own path, which is so true, she makes her own rule. We finally got her to drink from a bottle, but she will only drink from it if there is juice in the cup! haha she is so funny, all this time with us trying to feed her, and all she was trying to tell us was that she wanted SUGAR!!!
Little girl is finally starting to fill out, and get a bit of chunk, but she keeps getting longer at the same time, so her baby rolls are few and far between. She can sit up on her own for about a minute or so, longer if she is leaning against the corner of her pack and play. And she finally is crawling, she does a great "army scoot and crawl" as I like to call it. And she has her own theme music to go along with her crawl. She will scream every time she pulls herself forward, and the more she does it the louder she gets! . And She loves her momma almost beyond the point of obsession. Every time Mark brings her to me, she just lights up. She doesn't have a lot of stranger fear, she lets people hold her, but I just love how much she lights up when she spots me in a crowd! Being a mom to Gracie and Eldon is what I was born to do! Gracie is our little doll, and we love her so much. She is for sure the happiest little girl around. Happy 8 months Gracie!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Day 5
Day # 5 of Things I Love
I love how excited he is when he gets anything in the mail! This is a video from a few weeks back but since I was a slacker already on day 5 and forgot to take a picture, I decided to post a video instead. Eldon's sweet little voice when he sees anything to him in the mail, he will hold it and exclaim all day who gave it to him. He got a card in the mail from his Great Grandma (my Grandma Mozden) and he walked around all day showing me and Gracie and letting us know it was from HIS "gwate Gwanma". Wow I love this kid. Plus I love how cute he looks in a shirt and diaper after waking up from his nap!!!! We all love surprises in the mail, but I sure do love watching Eldon open his more!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Day 4
Day # 4 of Things I Love
I love to sew, it really is therapeutic. I Love my kids, as you can see from my previous post this month, but since becoming a Mom I've had to find things that are just me, something I can be proud of other than finishing the dishes or mopping the floor, or keeping the kids alive and happy for one more day. So I picked up sewing last year when my mom and dad bought me a machine, but them my machine broke in October, and I have been without. Well I must have done something good this year, because my parents bought me a Brother CS6000i!! Which if you don't know is an amazing machine!!! Thank you Mom and Dad for giving me something that means more than you know... PS I love it!
(That's Gracie's baby blanket I am working on, hopefully I will reveal it soon!)
Friday, February 3, 2012
Day 3
Day # 3 of Things I Love
This was not taken with my Nikon, but of all the pictures I took today, this is the one I love best!
MY Baby boy ELDON. I love his green eyes; it is the little bit of me I can see in him. I love his questions, the way he tells me what to do in a way that seems angelic and not at all demanding... I love his long lashes! Check out those things, one bat of those and I do whatever, Mark says I have issues saying no, but who could blame me. I love how silly he is. In this photo we had been making a card for Nanna with pipe cleaners, and he turns to me, looks at my glasses and "demands" I make him some too. (You can see I cropped myself out of the left of the picture, and you see a bit of my glasses too.) I love Eldon- My favorite little man, and the one person who made me a mom 2 1/2 years ago!!!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Day 2
Day 2 of Things I Love
Not exactly how I wanted it to turn out, but with 2 little ones in tow (one in my arms the other hanging off my leg) I guess it isn't that bad. What do I love about this? After being in Utah for 5 years I now appreciate TREES so much more! I love the way the sun peaks it's way between the trees as it falls, the color of the sun is just so warm! Another thing I love: being warm. I am always cold, ask Mark I am constantly trying to warm up my fingers and toes on him in bed :)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Challenge Accepted!
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED: I am challenging myself to take one photo a day for everyday in February of something, or someone I LOVE! Seems appropriate as February is associated with love. Plus I haven't been taking that many pictures with my Nikon lately, so this is a push to get more acquainted with it.
I love baby rolls; I love bath time with my kids- they are always so happy; I love cute, little 2 front teeth, crooked smiles; I love curly brown baby hair; I love baby blue eyes! And of course I LOVE GRACIE!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Eldon Visit to Dad's Firehouse
Eldon, Gracie and me made Nanna's famous Mac&Cheese after church and headed towards Atlanta Firehouse Station 28. Which just happens to be where Gracie and Eldon's dad works as a FIREMAN!!!! Marks chief made dinner, a delicious chicken with spinach and mozzarella, potatoes, steamed carrots and green beans, and rolls. Lets just say I don't feel sorry for Mark when he is gone. His captain can cook!
Eldon could not get enough, we practically had to glue him to the dinner table and force him to eat. There were hoses, and buttons and doors and helmets... pretty much the perfect playground for a 2 year old boy or a 26 year old boy :) Yeah, pretty much Mark spends his days living his dreams when he goes to work. Mark always tells me now he can beat my dad in the "who's truck is bigger" game , because he has a fire truck, although I think my Dad technically wins by default because he owns his Tundra and Mark only gets to drive and play around with his truck.
Eldon loved climbing through the doors of the truck and messing with all the equipment. Gracie was a doll and just enjoyed being along for the ride. After we were there for almost 3 hours it was getting late and I packed up the kids to head out. Eldon cried so HARD! He was refusing to leave. Poor guy never wanted to leave, but I think he was more mad that his Dada got to stay and I was forcing him to go home. All in all it was a great trip, and it was nice to meet the guys that my hubby puts his trust in when he is on the job.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Mom, instead of a nap, I'm gunna try something BETTER!
So as Eldon is growing and is getting more independant, he sometimes believes he doesn't have to nap. (he has yet to convince me this is a good plan) so instead of crying his eyes out over not taking a nap he quietly sneaks out of his room while I'm doing dishes and grabs markers that our sweet friends Mrs. Kim and Mr. George gave him for Christmas. And no he did NOT grab paper just the markers........ so imagine what a high spirited, imaginative, and somewhat crazy 2 year old can do with a set of markers quietly for an hour and a half while I think he is being a sweet little angel and sleeping.... Do you have an idea... walls, furniture, maybe cloths or bed sheets...... NO... these are all wrong! haha, Eldon has taken upon himself to do this:
He decided to use himself as a canvas! I take a few pictures... he was more than proud to show off his art work! Then in a panic I grab the markers... "non-toxic and washable" are both written on them...so instead of panicing i decided he could enjoy his work of art until bath time, because artistic or not, it started to look like a crazy bruise and it had to go. Love you Eldon you sure do make me smile!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The George's top 11 from 2011
The George's Top Favorite Moments from 2011
11...Eldon went to nursery for the first time and became my "big boy" he won't let me call him baby anymore, he insist he is a big boy and he will yell "noooo me big boooy, Gwacie is baby!" Makes me sad, but at least I can sneak in and cuddle once in a while
10..We went to the beach! I hadn't been since Eldon was little, and Mark couldn't remember ever going.
9...Mark got a job offer with AFRD
8...We moved from Utah to Georgia in 2 weeks and rented a beautiful home in GA, with a perfect backyard to play
7...I took an important step in motherhood and spent an entire night cleaning up throw up. (This is a step I never wanted to take, but I guess it is a job only a mother can do)
6...Eldon no longer uses a diaper, except for nap and bedtime. Yeah!!! Only one kid in diapers
5...Eldon Turned 2
4...Mark and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary in April
3...Mark Graduated cadet Academy and started working as a professional firefighter
2...A sweet little miracle jumped into our lives; Gracie was born May 26th!
1...We celebrated our first Christmas and Thanksgiving alone with just our family. It was great being with the people we love the most. I love my family so much, they are why I get up in the morning... usually because Gracie is crying :) but seriously I love them so much!
2011 has been a wonderful year, full of blessing and surprises. It has been a tough year however at the same time, but we have been reminded of what matters most. Family. I am so grateful to my wonderful husband who wakes up and goes to work, and loves us! I love my babies, Eldon my little buddy and Gracie my sweet sensitive smiley girl. My parent who show there love from oceans away, I love them so much! And to the rest of our family who have been there for us this year and who have been only just a phone call away! We love you all! Bring It On 2012!!! I can't wait to see what is in store for us!
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