Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 6

Day # 6 of Things I Love

I love Sleeping Babies

As much as I love my kids when they are awake, there is a different type of feeling when they finally give up and surrender to sleep. I think I would equate the feeling to winning the super bowl for a NFL player. That moment when you look down, and their sweet little eyes begin to drop, I get this amazing euphoric feeling. If your not a mom it's hard to explain, or maybe everyone feels the same, I know growing up I was always proud of myself when I would put a baby to sleep in my arm, but it feels 100 times better when I get my own kids asleep. It is just amazing to hold your sleeping child in your arms. I tell Mark all the time I can't stop giving them kisses and hugs when they are finally asleep, and how hard it is to lay them down, I just want to squeeze them so tight and never let go!
As many of you know, to the few who read my blog, I have "issues" putting my kids down. And I prefer rocking them to bed verses laying them in bed to fall asleep on there own. I feel like I miss out on my favorite thing if I do. Eldon won't fall asleep in my arms anymore, but I have got him back to ""nuggling" (snuggling) as he calls it on the couch under a blanket to keep warm, and he makes me hold his hand! So today I love my sleeping snuggly squeezable kissable loveable babies!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how much Eldon and Gracie look alike..... Beautiful grand babies!!!!
