Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Life is changing... and soon!!

I have been itching to post something and blog for a while, I really feel like writing things out helps me more than anything. And I don't know whether I should be posting but here goes nothing.

Okay let me paint a picture on the 16th of Feb mark got an unexpected call from The hiring Chief over Atlanta. We already had a letter that Mark was placed on a potential hire list number 45 out of 200+, which we were so excited for, but they were only taking the top 40, so we missed it just by a hair. Well the call from the chief said that the applicants above mark, a few were suspended, so now Mark had been bumped up on the list, and needed to come to Atlanta to finish the final part of the hiring process. Mark left on a plane for GA that following Sunday. He completed a background check, medical check, fingerprinting, a psychological analysis test (pretty much an aptitude test but much more intense). After all of this he signed a conditional work agreement which pretty much says if everything turns out okay, then we will have a job. Mark was going to come home that Wednesday, but he had to have a polygraph test and a psychological exam done, and the psych test wasn't scheduled til Monday. so we extended his ticket and mark spent the entire week soaking up GA.

 Mind you during this time I am at home with Eldon packing away our house and growing a baby... which I am now 29 weeks pregnant. I was spending hours doing research on insurance and moving and a whole bunch of other things that would be needed in order for us to move cross country.

Mark hasn't signed the official job offer, but we are 99.999999% positive everything is turning out okay. Did I mention that the start day is MARCH 17!!!! That is officially 2 weeks from today!!!! WOW.
We have had issues, and pretty early on we came to the reality, that I may not be able to move with Mark until after the baby is born. She is due May 18th BTW. The job in Atlanta won't extend medical benefits until after 90 days, and Gracie is due in less than 80 from today. So Me and Eldon could be moving in with my parents for 2 months until baby girl is born.

I am in the most emotional state right now. People ask me how I am and for no reason at all I just break down in tears. We are so hugely blessed right now, Mark is graduated, and gets his dream job working in a major city, and we get our little girl all within a few months! I think all the extra blessings being thrown our way though is really making me have a mini panic attack. For example today at my 29 week appointment I had to tell my doctor all the happenings, and I had to face some facts that I could be having our little bell here while Mark is stuck in GA. The reality struck me that i could possibly be doing it all on my own, and  the tears just came, I stepped out of the office ( I was waiting on my 1 hour glucose test) and called Mark. He told me to breath and if I needed to take some time after the doctors, and do something for me! (He is always thinking about me! I love him!) When I was done at the doctors, I debated going out, but the only thing I wanted was to be back home with mark and Eldon. If I am going to be away from him in 2 short weeks I don't want to spend any time away. So home I went.

Right now our house has boxes spread here and there, and we are just waiting to see if private insurance will cover for the birth, so that Me and El won't have to be away from Marky. And then the final offer should come through this week, but knowing ATL they will wait till last minute and we wont find out anything until 2 days before, but who knows. Fingers crossed, there is alot that needs to be done, and a lot that needs to be sorted out in the next few days. But all in all we are VERY blessed right now i have to keep teling myself. But in 2 short weeks my 4 years in Utah could be over ( and although I will miss family, I couldnt be any more excited, Utah never really felt like home), and I could be soaking in the humitity once again!!!!! 2 WEEKS :)