Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Look Back!

One Month Old (AUGUST)

Two Months Old (SEPTEMBER)

Three Months Old (OCTOBER)

Four Month Old (NOVEMBER)

Six Months Old (JANUARY)

Seven Months Old (FEBRUARY)

Here are just a few of the month to month pictures we are taking of Eldon. It is crazy to me to look at month 1 compared to month 7. He is such a big growing boy! we love him very much and have been so blessed to have him with us these past 7 months. Can't wait to watch him grow and learn even more.

I will update on our lives later but all I have to say is, having Eldon, along with all the other benefits of having a baby and enjoying him, he sure is a great tax break! Wow I just filled out my taxes and filed them and Eldon sure does help out a lot! We get 3,000 more than last year!!! wow crazy, that will help out tons and tons!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Eldon is 7 months

Wow how have these 7 months gone by. This month has been crazy as ever. Eldon seems to just be as excited about life as ever, and seeing things through his eyes just makes life that much better!

*Things Eldon has done this month:
  • got and MRI on his head which turned out FINE:)
  • Pulled himself up to standing in his crib- we lowered his crib- he is so big now
  • started to crawl- he scoots with his legs and falls forward, his arms won't move yet
  • went to G-mas and G-pas a lot!
  • started getting attached to a schedule- he knows when it should be bathtime
Other Moments:
  • we cut 2 bottom teeth this month, and are in the process of cutting more!
  • he loves to cook with mom, the whole time I am cooking he loves to be right there.
  • He likes picking out his own cloths- SERIOUSLY! I give him a few choices and he grins the cutest little smile and grabs the outfit he wants to wear and immediately puts it in his mouth!
  • He loves to have us hold his hands and walk around the house- most of my day is spent doing this
  • Chloe and Eldon have this weird bond, Chloe loves to just walk by Eldon. Eldon pulls her hair so hard sometimes, but Chloe just thinks it is a fun game! Bella on the other had is still waiting for us to take him back:)
We love our baby boy, what a blessing he is to have. He sure makes me and Mark very happy. We can't wait to see how he starts to really move this month!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Eldon is crawling

Don't have much time I should be studying, but just wanted to let everyone know El is crawling not!!! Well kinda. he gets up on all 4's and then falls forward! It is so cute to watch him grow up, and learn new things!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Time to leave it alone...

Okay warning this is a venting post and although this may seem heated, the basis of this blog are my exact feelings!!!
Okay I am so flustered, why is it that others have the need to question your decisions when it comes to MY CHILD and MY FAMILY. We chose to immunize Eldon, this is OUR decision, and OUR right to do so. If you however feel differently that is YOUR decision to act differently in your own life, or in the life of your child... NOT MINE, whether or not you wish to immunize or not has not bearing on what I chose to do for my family! Please learn respect for others.

I have always been an accepting type, I think I was brought up that way. I may not agree with how you live your life or the choices you make, but that is your decision and not mine, and I give you the respect that you deserve. I do not pass my judgment onto you. My parents always taught me " If you don't have something nice to say DON'T say anything at all!!" And I really do try hard to live by this, but it makes me so so so very mad when it seems others just completely skip over this life lesson or choose to ignore it completely. Okay for the main example: I am giving Eldon his immunization- please deal with that. And I shouldn't have to be here telling you WHY? but since this seems to be such an issue here they are:

Although I may not agree with how many vaccines are given at once I do usually choose to have all of them given at one point or another.
Lets take HEP B for example since it was the 1st vaccine ever given to Eldon. Yes this disease is mostly transmitted sexually, but it is also transmitted through bodily fluids which includes blood! what if Eldon ever came in contact with someones blood, how horrible would it be to know you did everything right and just because of someone else's choice he now has HEP B.

FACT: with Each year there are about 46,000 new hepatitis B virus infections in the United States, but there's approximately an 80% drop in infections since 1991, when public health strategies began pushing for vaccination and prevention. How awesome is this. that just because I give my son this vaccine he is helping to eradicate this disease.

Just like small pox killed over 80% of all children that were infected, and now because of a vaccine small pox is the only disease that has been eradicated! I love living in this day and age when sickness is not going to be my main problem.

The adversary is hitting us from every angle. Usually hitting the FAMILY UNIT the hardest. When we are strong physically it is a lot easier to focus our efforts on our spiritual preparation!

So is this vaccine safe:

Yes! Hepatitis B vaccines have few, if any, side effects. The most common complaint is a little pain around the area of the injection, which is a fair trade off considering the serious complications often possible with an actual hepatitis B infection. Since the hepatitis B vaccines were approved in the 1980s, they have had significant time to be studied and proven.

Hepatitis B vaccines are thimerosal-free and do not contain live viruses. This means that there is no danger of getting toxic mercury or hepatitis B infection from the vaccine itself.

Okay sure Eldon as a baby most likely will never come into contact with blood contaminated with the HEB B virus but as a teenage and an adult his chances increase. And yes I also admit that there is a chance that he may never come into contact with this virus, in the US there are 1.5 million people infected but 400million worldwide- which is a lot more! And the chance of contracting this virus that affects the liver and can have serious consequences of liver failure, cirrhosis (hardening of the liver) and hepatocellular cancer (liver cancer), which is usually not very responsive to chemotherapy- these are just not risk I am willing to take with my son.

So you may not agree with immunizing but my reason if for that tiny "if" that may arise... what if? what if he were to come in contact with any one of the diseases me and Mark are vaccinating him against... now we know he is protected, and that is all I want to do in life is protect my son from anything and everything that could do him harm.

So please don't ask me why... choose for yourself if this is what you would like to do for the benefit of your family, and stick to your decision, because if you make an EDUCATED decision for your family it will always be the right one. Whether or not anyone agrees with you.

.....And that's all I have to say about that