Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why I want mark to get on with a house that has a pole

I have been sick all day, and now cant fall asleep because of congestion, but it is all worth it! haha I had to share this with everyone and anyone. This made my day. Haha I always wondered what Mark would do at a station when not on a call. I guess this gives him something to think about.

I love you Mark, you are our hero!
-Steph, Eldon & Mark

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy Gradparents day

On the tenth anniversary of the Twin Towers and 9/11 attacks, the ones that forever changed my life views, opinions, and actions as well as millions of other Americans, it is a little ray of sunshine to be able to also spend this day celebrating Grandparents. And WOW do Gracie and Eldon have the best. Even from across the sea Nanna and Poppa are still in the running for number 1. I gave up months ago  competing with them, because they are so cool, they win every time. Only Daddy has a shot at winning number 1 now. That's okay I am fine with just being mommy! Because seriously I have the best kids ever and to know that they are all mine makes up for not being number 1 haha! Plus Eldon and Gracie are so rocking they need an awesome Nanna and Poppa, which they have! So mom and dad this post is for you! What a blessing you are in our lives, seriously you are killing us being so far away, but that too will pass. You both make our kids so happy, Eldon's whole world lights up every time the phone rings because he thinks it is nanna or poppa. You both bring so much joy in our lives we love you beyond measure. Oh and mom can't wait for the continents to come back together so you can walk to our house soon! (haha) Love you both, from Steph, but mostly Eldon and Gracie!!!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years

10 years ago:
  • I was 14 years old
  • I had just begun my Freshman year of High school
  • I was shy, and a bit of an ugly duckling (or at least that's how I felt when I was that age)
  • we had been living in GA for almost 3 years
  • The twin towers we attacked
  • and... I wrote this:
"I just arrived at school and was a bit early so I went to the library to finish up some last minute homework. I noticed the library turning on the TV which was odd because she turned the volume on. That never happens. I try to tune out the noise. I decide to listen in, but the bell rang for advisement so without paying attention to the TV, I went on my way. We were suppose to be in advisement till 8:45, but I guess the bell schedule was lagging and we didn't. Out homeroom noticed others turning on the TV and watching, we decided to do the same.... Wow we couldn't believe it was this a joke? a plane just hit the twin towers in NYC.
The bell rang, just a few minutes later, but the TVs in the hallway were all playing the same thing. The news. And again during 2nd period all we watched was the TV. My English teacher let us skip the lesson for the day.  Another tower got hit, the Pentagon too. Seriously it is beginning to feel like my little bubble of a world is unravelling. Then the unimaginable: the tower falls! After what seemed to be only be an hour later. My prayers went out in hopes that everyone made it out okay. Little did I know, thing were not okay, far from it.
The rest of the day went on much of the same, we were shoveled from classroom to classroom as usual, but only to sit in a new seat and watch the TV. Parents came and pulled friends out of school. By lunch it seemed as if half the school was gone. I was a bit paniced as to why my mom wasn't coming to get me too. But was given a note in one of my last classes that she would pick me and my brother up at the end of the day.
A few days have passed and we still turned to the news everyday. It seemed a new clip of the 9/11 event, as they were calling it, popped up every day. I am scared to know what will happen to everyone still trapped. I hope for the best. I don't really understand why the planes crashed, and why this terrorist group felt they had to hurt people that didn't hurt them. I don't want to go on a plane anytime soon, they make me nervous. Like I said I don't understand a lot that happened on September 11th, I just know what I saw. I hope that I will never live to see something like this happen again."

My English teacher made us write our thoughts down. I can't recall how long after, but it couldn't have been more that a week or two. I tucked it away in my scriptures but I haven't read it in some time. Looking back I can't help but think about "then" and "now" what has changed, what hasn't(not much) all the things I have done. Graduated HS, Moving to VA, then to Utah, getting married, my son, moving back to GA for a new job for Mark ( a Fireman!!), and now Gracie.
Does anyone else think about how their kids will never know a world before September 11th, 2001. They also will never know how it felt that day to watch as our world fell apart on national television. Everything I do is plagued with the actions of 9/11. I really have no desire to go up into a high building. For example I visited ground zero when I was living in VA and saw the clean up still. my friends wanted to go up to the top of the Empire state building, and I chose to do something else. I will always think before I let my kids out of my hands. As they grow I know they will want to go away with friends, but it still makes me nervous to think.
Being the wife of an Atlanta firefighter (and VERY Proud might I add) The attacks of September 11th, 2001 take on a new light. I can only imagine what the families of the 343 firemen and women must have gone through, and I really hope I never have to.
My God Bless this country for the next ten years and keep us safe. I hope I can find a way to honor those who were murdered 10 years ago by living a better life!

here a few proud moments in my life as a Fireman's wife:

Being able to play dress up in REAL Firefighter gear.
Or as Eldon calls "woooo wooo"( the sound a fire engine makes)

Coming inside and instead of coats there are SCBA mask, fire helmet, and a hood

Mark's SCBA mask closer view. (notice the batman symbol)

May we always remember and never forget.  and my we live a life that was worthy of the sacrifices made on that day. This post is especially for the 343 men and women firefighter, my heart goes out to your families.