Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 5

Day # 5 of Things I Love

I love to see Eldon opening "surprise" in the mail

I love how excited he is when he gets anything in the mail! This is a video from a few weeks back but since I was a slacker already on day 5 and forgot to take a picture, I decided to post a video instead. Eldon's sweet little voice when he sees anything to him in the mail, he will hold it and exclaim all day who gave it to him. He got a card in the mail from his Great Grandma (my Grandma Mozden) and he walked around all day showing me and Gracie and letting us know it was from HIS "gwate Gwanma". Wow I love this kid. Plus I love how cute he looks in a shirt and diaper after waking up from his nap!!!! We all love surprises in the mail, but I sure do love watching Eldon open his more!

1 comment:

  1. I love that he loves prizes in the mail. Can't help but make him smile!!!!
