"Hi I'm 8 months old"
I'm a bit late in posting, but this little bean is 8 months old now. She is "all girl" as Mark would say. Se is our happy little baby still, and is getting a bit more sleep now that she is eating more food, and nursing about the same, every 3 hours. She is so much different than Eldon. It's like night and day. It's like the rulebook that I wrote for Eldon and how to make him happy has to be thrown out, because she is her own little person and she wants things a certain way. As long as me and Mark follow along she is picture perfect as you can see from the photo above. She said mama for her first word this past month, and now says it when she is upset mostly, but she says dada all day long!
My mom gave me this quote about one of her seminary student, and I think it totally applies to Gracie, "She is no sheep!" Roughly translated to mean she does not follow other, she blazes her own path, which is so true, she makes her own rule. We finally got her to drink from a bottle, but she will only drink from it if there is juice in the cup! haha she is so funny, all this time with us trying to feed her, and all she was trying to tell us was that she wanted SUGAR!!!
Little girl is finally starting to fill out, and get a bit of chunk, but she keeps getting longer at the same time, so her baby rolls are few and far between. She can sit up on her own for about a minute or so, longer if she is leaning against the corner of her pack and play. And she finally is crawling, she does a great "army scoot and crawl" as I like to call it. And she has her own theme music to go along with her crawl. She will scream every time she pulls herself forward, and the more she does it the louder she gets! . And She loves her momma almost beyond the point of obsession. Every time Mark brings her to me, she just lights up. She doesn't have a lot of stranger fear, she lets people hold her, but I just love how much she lights up when she spots me in a crowd! Being a mom to Gracie and Eldon is what I was born to do! Gracie is our little doll, and we love her so much. She is for sure the happiest little girl around. Happy 8 months Gracie!