Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gracie is 3 months

3 months old... where has the time gone! I took Gracie to a new pediatrician today, and they may be worse than the first one I took her too. Lets sum it up by describing the entire visit as- dirty, rude, slow. Really is it that hard to have great pediatric care in Georgia? It seems impossible. I guess I will keep looking but for now here are some stats on little

 Gracie @ 3 months:
Weight- 11lbs 3 oz
Height- 24 in
Head- 40 1/2 cm

  • she still refuses a bottle- "those things are nasty", says Gracie
  • She is smiling A LOT! she has the sweetest smile when I pick her up after she has been asleep and woken up
  • She is almost about to laugh
  • Loves to be held- guess I love it too- I have a hard time putting my babies down, they are just too cute to let go
  • She is very healthy- has had at least 2 cold, but she has gotten over them all on her own
  • Poor little girl seriously can pass some major gas:( she lets out toots all the
  • hates being on her tummy- as you can see from the picture below
  • loves to grasp both her hands together- she constantly looks like she is about to pray. SO CUTE!
  • Her hair is either getting thinner or lighter; I dunno may be both
  • Her and Eldon are getting a whole lot easier to manage. We go out at least 2 times a week
  • Also still won't take a binky- neither did Eldon- Eldon took it for a few months but I think it was when he was older
  • She is a great car rider- she either falls asleep or just looks around the entire ride. But if I am stopped for a while she gets upset- I have too avoid traffic. Little girl is only 3 months and already can't stand traffic
  • She is so sweet- She constantly smiles- and just wants to be looked at
  • She loves complements- Mark will look at her and tell her all sorts of things and she just coo's and ahh's back.
Pretty much she is our little princess and we love her so very much! We are better because we have her sweetness in our family. What a blessing it is to be their mom. As hard as my days seem so be, every night looking back it is so worth every second!

    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    Cuddle time!

    Is there anything better than holding a sleeping baby? I will argue my point if you disagree :) I wrote a post like this a while ago when Eldon was still little ( under the age of 1 i mean to say) Against the advise of almost everyone that gave me advise, I have been rocking both of my babies to sleep every night, until they were fast asleep and I got my "cuddle fill". I choose to cuddle as long as they will let me. I have never regretted this and I just politely plug my ears when others told me not to, that they needed to "learn" to go to sleep on their own. Guess what? They did learn!  Eldon I think is in a little independent phase where he doesn't need to be rocked by Momma. Which saddens me a little, but I hope in time he will come back to me. Like the small moments like tonight when he felt a bit sick and he was tired and a bit upset, and he crawled in my lap, head against my chest and we watched Dr. Seuss together.  Eldon now has been sleep in a big boy bed for almost 4 months now with really no issues, I had to put a child proof lock on his door and he hasn't had any issues since- sleeping from usually 8:30pm til 9:30am or 10:30am, and my sweet little girl sleeps from 9:00pm wakes up and nurses around 3:30am for only 20 min and is usually back asleep all in her own room in her own crib. Then wakes up at 7:30pm nurses for 30min and falls back asleep usually until his brother wakes up. 

    "Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow,

    For babies grow up, I've learned to my sorrow.

    So settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,

    I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep!"
    I have heard this quote several times before. I really want to frame it up really nice and put it by my rocking chair, so to always remind me that even though my house is a GIANT mess, this is what truly matters. My babies, my eternal family, my husband. Life really is flying, take it from someone who is about to have a 3 month old!! I will cuddle Gracie as long as she will let me, true I may cause sleeping problems, but I don't care if my kids need to snuggle me before they go to sleep. Life is wasted it seems these days on far less important things, but this is important to me! Haha I just can't put them down!

    Wednesday, August 24, 2011


    Eldon went pee pee like 15 times today in the potty!!!!! I don't have any experience with going though potty training, but next to Giving birth, and Eldon walking; this is like the most excited I have been in forever! He was so proud of himself too. He would run pee in the potty chair then empty the pee in the toilet, flush and say "bye!" and then when the toilet filled back up he would say, "blue!!!" (because we have one of those toilet tablets that makes the water blue) then we go to the cupboards and get a potty treat!! WOW I know I am using a lot of "!" but I seriously am so proud. Mark was saying to me how pride is a bad thing, but how both of us were feeling a rush of such a prideful moment.
    What a happy mom I am right now. I seriously never thought he would learn, but he did. For the past few days/months I take his diaper off and we constantly go to the bathroom, but he will never go. He usually whines, and cries for me to let him off the toilet, but tonight after 3 hours of no diaper, we again took a trip to the bathroom, and he cried to get off, I have been using a little bit of bribery lately so I said, "you can get down once you pee pee." he must of been really motivated to get off because he pushed really had, and he actually went. I over reacted and got sooooo excited. We both started dancing and I guess that one time did it. Hopefully when we wake up tomorrow he will remember!! I love thing. Today even though I only got 3 hours of sleep, this one of the greatest days ever of me and mommy hood!!!

    Saturday, August 20, 2011

    Crazy fun life

    This week really has been amazing. I set a goal for myself to take Eldon and Gracie out at least 3 times this week. And I did. We went swimming to the park this week. Eldon loved swimming. And by the second time we went he seriously was swimming on his own ( with a life jacket of course! ) I am so proud of him. Lately being a mom of 2 has been less of pulling my hair out and splashing my face with water to stay awake, and more about enjoying my babies. Gracie is sleeping during the nights, and in her own crib now, which is a lot of the reason for the good sleep and "nicer mommy" in the morning.  I use nice mommy and mean mommy with eldon when I'm tired.. I don't think he understands me though. When he would wake up in the morning I would tell him, "I missed you last night, me and Gracie were up allll night, because Gracie wanted to hang out and now nice mommy went bye bye 2 hours ago, so we are gunna play in the house so mean mommy will go away and nice mommy will come back." Luckily mean mommy really never showed herself this week. ( I really am not mean, I just use that when i'm tired)
    But anyways back to my great week. The kids are just beginning to have so much fun and I love taking them places. Eldon is slowly learning how to behave in public. Usually he bounces off the walls, but he only does that now if I don't pay him any attention. I am starting to really lean what both kids need, so that we can prevent meltdowns.
    Now if Eldon would just take to potty training I would be sooo happy. Little guy just refuses. I do not understand it, but I guess we just keep trying and eventually he will warm up to the idea.
    visist my other blog to see a mini session of gracie in her swimming suit HERE, but for now here are a few pics too

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Gracie's Song

    You have such a pretty fac-ie
    No one else can take your plac-ie
    You look pretty dressed in lac-ie
    You don't come from outerspac-ie
    sweet Grac-ie

    So every little girl deserves a song written for then, and Gracie is no exception. Little Gracie has her own song that I made up for her. She is so cute, when I sing in her little eyes just light up like crazy! Sometimes when she is upset the only thing that calms her down is if I rock her and sing her little song. I love to make her smile... haha I'm that crazy mom that makes up songs and I love it.

    Lets not forget about big brother...
    (Goes to the popcorn popping song)

    I looked out the window and what did I see Eldon Allen Sittin' in a tree

    he can climb an oak tree in 5 seconds flat

    If you don't watch him he goes like that

    It might not be so,

    but it seems to me...

    Eldon Allen sittin' in the tree

    I know, I know ... please don't judge me!!! haha but it is so worth it if I can get them to smile... but Eldon likes to put me in my place and while I sing his song he says, " no mom, no tree" I think he is thinking "mom your crazy I'm not in the tree, I'm right here".

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    my thoughts

    Okay so this may not be a post for all to read, but this is for me. I really need the therapy of writing.  Okay so an update of my life the past 2 1/2 months since Gracie was born: as most of you know I had an unplanned emergency C-section which for me was nothing short of devastating. I don't like to talk about it either. But I need to. I think as far as "baby blues" go, I completely don't have that at all, but I think I have what I like to call "belly or tummy blues". I hate to look, think, or even touch my belly. I hate the scar I have, I hate think that I am suck like this for the rest of my life. Who knows if this will cause ill effects in the future. That's a whole different story, one that I have a hard time grasping.
    My body as a woman is meant to give birth, and naturally. So why can't I. With Eldon I was induced, and it was so intense that I couldn't make it without the epidural, but that okay the epidural isn't a bad thing. I just want to start labor naturally. Then Gracie I was so intense on my "natural" plan that now looking back maybe I should have given in and been induced, or I always ask myself this: maybe I could have been induced, and the doctors were just bored that night and they saw me maybe with an elevated baby HB and decided, hey surgeries are so much funner than a boring natural birth, plus I only have to be there for an hour. Who knows, but there is a need in me, I need to know, I have to know.
    I know all these women say but your baby is here and safe! and My reply on thank heavens! I know right! BUT take my sweet little angel out of the picture. She is here and she is safe and really I love her more than my own life, she is everything. and again this isn't about Gracie at all, this is me. Me and my body, that won't work like it should that is now left with a scar. a perminate reminder that my body failed me. Not that I failed, which is almost worse because try as I might a thousand times over, I could never give birth the way I wanted; natural. What saddens me most is that I really wanted to give birth, I never gave birth to Gracie, she was ripped away from me in the most unnatural and cruel way imaginable. I was laying flat on a table while I was sliced across the abdomen, I never got to see her first breath. She was all alone when she was ripped out of me and into this world. No one was there to hold her hand when she came to breathing. I wanted to run to her, to hold her hand, to be her mom, and I couldn't I was strapped down. She was crying and she needed me and I couldn't be there, I really wanted them to show me her. the first time I saw her was on a camera. But she is great now, and that really isn't an issue. My issue is my belly blues! I hate this. I got an IUD implant to make sure I don't get pregnant anytime soon. I have to deal with this issue before me and Mark decide that we even want another baby. Right now my babies are my life. Believe it or not things have gotten better, there were weeks there where I never looked in the mirror. And still when I get ready I have to force myself to look. Time will fade away my feelings, as will my scar. Right now I just love watching life through Gracie and Eldon's eyes, they are so innocent and I love them both with everything I have. Love my babies and my Hubby!

    Monday, August 15, 2011

    fffanxs mama!

    So Eldon is my little guy will not a lot to say. He knows words, but usually tries no point, or grunt... I think it is a little my fault, cause I don't talk a whole bunch when I am on my own but I am doing better, I have made flash cards, and I make Eldon use his words even though sometimes it's not what he wants to do, and really he is doing so much better. But usually he only uses phrases and sentences when I prompt him to. But today when I gave him some juice and tucked him into bed he said Fffanxs (thanks) mama, and uuvv you (love you)! Wow seriously made my day!!! He is growing way way way to fast and I ust want to keep him my baby. But talking is good for him, I noticed he knows so much more than I thought, I just needed to expect more! I love Eldon!

    Wednesday, August 10, 2011

    Gracie is 2 months old

    Wow this post has been a long time coming! I have been so busy with other things( keeping house clean, taking pictures, being a mom of 2, and a good wife) so I need to post this before She turns 3 months!

    Things Gracie can do:
    • She is starting to smile, It takes a little effort, but I bet by next month she will be just grinning away
    • she is very patient. Eldon is having a tough time adjusting to #2. He has started pulling on her and he does actually try to hit her every once in a while. Mostly though he just thinks it is funny to scream when she is sleeping... I however do not :)
    • She looks like he daddy! She has he daddy's beautiful eye! Yeah! Eldon got my hazel and Gracie has Mark's blues. They kinda look purple when you look really quick
    • She has the perfect pink lips.
    • She refuses a pacifier
    • She hates the bottle even more then a pacifier
    • She is a total Mommy's girl
    • her color is definitely purple
    • She loves to be awake at night (we are working on it)
    • She is still weighing in at a small 9+ pounds
    Enjoy some pictures