Sunday, July 19, 2009

Eldon's outfit for his first day at Church

Eldon did so great on his first day to church not to mention he looked totally adorable!!! He slept all 3 hours except for the last 15 minutes he got alittle hungry so we decided instead of feeding him in the mothers lounge that we would just make an early exit from church. Eldon did so great I am so proud of him... Oh and I almost forgot don't I have 2 very good looking men in my family... I sure think so. Sorry for all the pictures I am a proud momma!!!


  1. Oh my new little nephew is too adorable! What a sweet sweater, Stephanie! Thanks for posting so many cute pics and the video. xox

  2. Stephanie! He is so precious congratulations!
    This is Chelsea (From lifetouch) ;) haha. I added you to my blog I hope that's alright! :) have fun with your brand new addition he is so so cute!

  3. cute, cute and more cute. I can't believe you were brave enough to go to church already...I like to take a good month off :)

  4. Oh my gosh sister! Don't be sorry - these pictures are wonderful! You look great and your "men" are very handsome.
