Wednesday, July 29, 2009
shhhhh baby is sleeping!!!!
Okay so I have figured out my son's personality... I think, at least for this week I am sure. He loves mom... all he wants to do is be held(all the time) I love him so stinking much and can't stand to hear him cry so I give into his every wimper. and he doesn't even cry really unless he is really hungry (which is usually when I am in the shower or going to the bathroom soorrrry TMI!) but I hold him all the time which is reason why my house is not cleaned and why I don't cook anymore, except for the occasional mac and cheese :) I need someone here to hold him for me so I can use the restroom. It's kinda funny every time Mark gets home from school I quickly pass him off with a quick " I love you.. gotta pee!!" he usually doesn't have time to respond to that :) Ohh I love him I know he wishes he were around more often, but he is such a hard working. he is almost done with his paramedic classes and he starts firefighting academy in a few weeks! I am so proud of him for doing all the things possible to provide for our family... which includes him giving up time with us to work and go to school. I really appreciate all this because it allows me to stay at home and be able to have those first few weeks and months to adjust to a baby, an breastfeeding, and all else that comes along with mommy training. I hope I am doing a good job, every once in a while I get a little smile while Eldon is sleeping, and that makes it all worth it. I love my son and my husband.... now shhh the baby is finally sleeping time to go to sleep too!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Happy little feet
We went to Ryan McCorristin's wedding reception past Saturday, It really was mine and Eldon's first event since he has been born. Other than dinners with family trips to the hospital to get his blood taken and trips to the doctor. It was nice, Ryan looked totally happy. It just reminded me of how happy I was when I married Mark a year and 4 months ago... and now we have little Eldon and it makes life so much more worth it! But Eldon got to meet lots of people including Andrew (Depew!) and AUNT MINDY! I was so excited to see her! we didn't know she was coming and it was a great surprise. Tammy was there, and I also got to meet her hubby! It was great seeing everyone. Ever since me and Mark got married it seems like it is hard to keep in touch, but we do our best! Enjoy pictures... and the video of my sons little dancing feet (how cute) also check out how tall Eldon is, he has already grown 3inches since birth

Tummy time
After going to the doctors this past week, he said to make sure Eldon is getting tummy time at least for 15 minutes everyday and more if he tolerates it.... I put Eldon on his tummy and he is so stinking cute, he has no idea what is going on, and he makes some seriously funny faces. So here are the many faces of Eldon during tummy time!!!!

okay I know this isn't a face... but WHAT A CUTE LITTLE BUM!!

And here are a few videos of his first attempts at tummy time. He really can lift his head he just is camera shy!!!
And here are a few videos of his first attempts at tummy time. He really can lift his head he just is camera shy!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Eldon's First Doctors visit
We went to the doctors today... not a fun time to say the least. Okay lets start.... Mark had school at 1 and Eldon's appointment was at 1:15 so me and Eldon went alone. Eldon was not happy when we got in the car I think it was too hot for his liking and he cried all the way, I stopped the car several times but nothing h I had one hand on the steering wheel and the other arm turned to the back seat holding a bottle in his mouth, still with him crying. Oh it was horrible I felt like the worst mother ever. once we got to the office the secritary had me fill out forms for Eldon, which was no easy with a baby crying, the secritary kept looking at me like she was saying " hurry up" it took me almost 15 minutes to finish the paperwork but once I was done they brought us back to a room as said to change Eldon into just a clean dry diaper... easier said then done. I started taking his cloths off and to my surprise he had the biggest blowout diaper thus far. It was up his back down his leg and all up his stomach. very very yellow and everywhere. It took me about 15 minutes just to change his diaper. The nurse came in and took his weight and height aelped eventuallynd head size, then the doctor came in. Eldon is not back to birth weight and he is alittle concerned about that but he lost so much weight in the begining that he is not overly concerned, but he wants us to come back next week just to do a weight check. after the doctor left I finally was able to feed my poor little hungry baby, and once he was concked out we left for home. To mu luck, he slept the entire way home, and then when we got hime he ate again, and then we were able to take a nap together!! Whih is the most increadible thing to do. I love being a mom, it is so satisfying. I am so so so tired and sore and I have so much back pain, but it is sooo sooo worth it when you have those little moments where he looks at you and you get to take a nap together, or just the small moments when am holding him, I just feel so blessed to have him in my life. I love being a mom!!!!!! Here are his % and a few pitures from today!!
Height: 21 1/2 inches = 90% at birth he was 19 1/2
weight: 7lb 15oz =50% an birth he was 8lb 6 oz but lost and was down to 7lb 10oz leaving the hospital
head: 38cm = 75% - don't know what he was at birth:)

Height: 21 1/2 inches = 90% at birth he was 19 1/2
weight: 7lb 15oz =50% an birth he was 8lb 6 oz but lost and was down to 7lb 10oz leaving the hospital
head: 38cm = 75% - don't know what he was at birth:)
My Little Rockstar!
Eldon is doing fantastic... he loves to eat, which is kinda hard on me, but we are powering through it all. Breastfeeding is definitely a lot harder than people make it out to be. IT HURTS. Don't know if that is TMI but I just thought I would put that in there for journaling purposes. We are going to Eldon's 2 week appointment today so we will see how we are doing... fingers crossed we gained back birth weight ( I'm not worried though) anyways here are some pictures of my rockstar!!!

check out the one white glove that one is for Michael Jackson hehe :)
check out the one white glove that one is for Michael Jackson hehe :)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Eldon's outfit for his first day at Church
Eldon did so great on his first day to church not to mention he looked totally adorable!!! He slept all 3 hours except for the last 15 minutes he got alittle hungry so we decided instead of feeding him in the mothers lounge that we would just make an early exit from church. Eldon did so great I am so proud of him... Oh and I almost forgot don't I have 2 very good looking men in my family... I sure think so. Sorry for all the pictures I am a proud momma!!!

Living with an Angel ( THIS IS FOR GRANDMA!!)
This is for grandma... hope this makes your day a little better!! I know I can't have a sad disposition when I have this little angel around me all day. Sorry most of them are of him sleeping, I have been trying to get more pictures of him awake, but when he is awake all he wants to do is be held, so it gets tricky... I have to take the picture withing the 1 minute of him waking up or he is not so happy with his momma. anyways enjoy the pictures, the video especially! Love you tons!! And so does your Grandson... we love Pa paw too!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009
He slept through the night
Eldon had a tummy ache all day yesterday, and all he wanted to do was have mom hold him, he wouldn't cry (he isn't that big of crier) he just would moan and fuss until I picked him up. Well when it came time to go to bed same thing happened i would set him in his bassenet and he would just fuss and the second I went to hold him all fussing stopped. He wasn't hungry, didn't have a dirty diaper, didnt need to be burped all he wanted was mom. I took a little bit of pleasure in hs pain I have to admit it felt great to be wanted, but at the same time we both needed our sleep. Okay I am very adiment on not having a baby sleep in the same bed as you, but last night with Mark pulling an a night study session, I decided to make an exception, and at 1:00am I put eldon on my chest proped myself up alittle with some pillows, put pillows all around e so he wouldnt role off of me, and we both processed to drift into a perfect nights sleep. I woke up to the sun on my face and was shocked that we made it the entire night without waking up, because thus far Eldon loves to be awake at night, usually he averages about 3-4 feeding at night. I felt so loved! My little boy and me cuddled all night long! he is so amazing and such a blessing in our lives. Mark said he would wake up everynow and then just to check and see if I was still hilding him and he would fall back asleep! SOOOO COOL! he loves me, I feel such a sense of acomplishent. I am so greatful to my wonderful husband for giving me such a perfect child, not in the sense that he does no wrong or that being a mom is easy, because these past days have been the hardest I have ever had to endure, but the blessing of having Eldon look into my eyes, and being able to hild him and feel the love and the bond that is there is such a blessing that it totally makes up for the lack of sleep and all the emotions that come along with childbirth.... I am so blessed
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My baby has jaundice
When we brought Eldon home on Thursday, his levels were too high, so our doctor had us go get his blood drawn the following day, which is no fun to watch someone squeeze the blood out of your new born babies heel, luckily Eldon has a high pain tolerance and he was able to handle it pretty well. But his levels jumped so high that our ped decided he needed to go under the lights, these are called billi lights and they help break down the jaundice. but everyday since his birth we have had to go get his blood drawn, my poor sons heels are so bruised up :( but with fingers crossed we took him to get his levels taken today, and they finally went down!!!! Doctor said to go to get his blood drawn one more time just to make sure that his levels stay going down. i am so excited because it has not been fun getting myself ready and my baby an getting in the car driving to the hospital lab every morning for the past 6 days. I will be very excited when I can just rest in my sweats and a t-shirt and just recover!!! Having Eldon was so amazing, but the aftermath of him, I am not gunna lie, is very painful! I hope by this time next week all will be healed. I love my amazing little son, he is so perfect!!!
Bella watching over her brother while he is under the lights

My little boy tanning

Eldon with his goggles

Eldon is very relaxed after tanning! Soooooo adorable!
Bella watching over her brother while he is under the lights
My little boy tanning
Eldon with his goggles
Eldon is very relaxed after tanning! Soooooo adorable!
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