Thursday, June 9, 2011


They say money can't buy happiness, but it sure would make things easier. Not alot of money, but SOME would be great.
I have had this internal ting, like an itch you can't reach, that has been bothering me for some time now. Right after Eldon was born I started staying home instead of working, because day care would be way too expensive, and not worth it. Makes sense. Now with 2 babies really staying at home makes the most sense, but I feel somewhat of guilt not being able to help out with our financial burdon, and a burdon it truely has been. Me and Mark had great savings up until our move to Georgia. With the move, losing our car and now having 2 car payments instead of one, and not having income for 3 weeks, It has really set us back. We have been staying ontop of bills, but looking ahead i see a time when the decision may come between groceries, or a bill, or tithing or a bill. I hate not being able to do anything about it. Some days I really feel useless, and now since having Gracie my emotional train is everywhere, and it is effecting me more everyday.
I even told Mark the other day that some days, and I'm not gunna lie, most days I would rather him stay home and me go to work. It would be so much easier. Being a momma to 2 babies is hard work! I don't know how women do it. Seriously it is the hardest job I have ever had. Averaging on 3-4 hours of sleep everynight definately doesnt help.
Sorry for the rant just needing to air out some emotions in a more productive way.
Here is to praying that all will work out.

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