Monday, September 28, 2009

Mark turns 24!!

Mark had his birthday on the 16th. We had a week long celebration. Monday Mark came home and we open the presents I gave him, he opened Tupperware (for work and school) and a loofah. I then asked Mark if he could go get the dog food out of the trunk. Me and Eldon went with him, and to his surprise when he opened the trunk there stood behind the bag of dog food, a 32'' Flat screen HD TV!!! he was so shocked, and excited. He deserves it he has been working so hard and going to school full time, so I have been saving for about 6 weeks! He loved it. Then Tuesday we went bowling with friends, Brittani, Mindy, and Michael all showed up. It was very interesting bowling with a baby, but actually I think I bowled better when I was holding him then when I wasn't. Then Friday we went up to my momma's and had dinner with Mom, Dad, me, Mark, and Eldon, and my sister-n-law came too. We had a perfect dinner of steak and shrimp, then Mark got 7 pairs of underwear(one for every day of the week) socks and Nike running shoes from mom and dad, and a dress shirt and dress socks from me. I can't believe Marky is 24 he s getting so old!! Eldon is making us both age faster I think:) When I look back it seems like since we have had Eldon with us time has gone by so fast, but when I am going through my days, it goes by soooo slow... does that make any sense?! Anyway I love Mark and I am so glad we got to celebrate another birthday together. WE LOVE MARKY!!!

Mark with his new TV. Eldon is there for size comparison

Mark got 24 pieces of Tubberware for his 24th birthday!

"This is all I got!" Mark says (this was before he got his TV)

I decorated the Kitchen, and both me and Eldon wrote Dad a note

Mark got new shoes!

I just ad to make Mark a Batman Cake!

Mark and Eldon at the bowling alley!

Me bowling with Eldon

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Eldon's 2 month statistics!

Wow this has taken forever to get this posted. Eldon didn't take to well to his shots so it was a really bad few days, actually it was pretty much like a hole week. The first day he slept for almost 5 hours then screamed for 2 hours straight until Mark gave him a blessing and we both spent the next hour calming him down. Eldon ran a fever for almost 3 days... a low grade, but still no fun. then the next few days he just acted a little fussy. I don't know what I would have done without my Momma and Mark they are my total support system with Eldon Okay so here goes:


Height: 23.25 inches - 66% Weight: 11lbs. 1oz. - 25% Head: 40.5 cm - 65%

Eldon has grown 2 inches since 1 month
has gained 3lbs since 1 month
and his head has grown 2.5cm in his head

Things Eldon can do this month:
  • he has stared to track with his eyes, he is really good at following mine and Mark's faces
  • he has started to pull himself up when you hold his arm... not quite there yet
  • he has started to like standing; me and my mom always say weebles wobble but they don't fall down
  • Eldon loves to coo and ahh at people he recognizes: Mom, Me, Dad, Mark
  • Eldon started sleeping in his own room at 2 month mark exactly, and has really been sleeping through the night great (Midnight til 5 am or 6 am usually)
  • He will fake cry to get his way
  • He usually does get his way
  • Loves to play airplane with dad
  • He Loves his car seat and usually falls asleep in it whenever we go out, but if we are not in the car he hates it
  • he has started to flash quick smiles and loves when dad plays peek-a-boo
  • he is sucking on his hand and once i caught him sucking on his hand
  • he stops crying and smiles at me when I come get him in the morning( My Favorite!!)
What Eldon Looks like:
  • he has started to get a little bit of chunk
  • his hair is still thick and dark especially in the back
  • He his getting so long, but it makes him super skinny
  • he has a little frog belly
  • He has an outie belly button, but we are hoping when he looses his Budda belly that his button will be sucked in
  • He has dark blue eyes, which we are hoping stay that way or become lighter like his dad

We love our little son and it seems like he has been in our lives forever. He makes us so proud, and he keeps us both busy. But he is the greatest blessing in the world, and we love watching him grow!

Eldon Playong Peek-a-boo with Dad

I caught him sucking his thumb luckily I had a camera near by

Eldon loves his car seat in the car!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My 2 month old baby boy!!

Okay so my little guy is 2 months old!!! here are his pictures from 1 month and 2, so you can see how much he has grown. The White shirt is obviously 2 month and blue shirt is 1 month! Okay so onto the horrible parts for today. We took Eldon to get his shots also on his 2 month birthday... I know what a horrible way to celebrate right, which by the way is the most horrible thing ever!!! He got 6 vaccines and a total of 3 shots and one was taken orally. To watch your little baby look up at you in shock and horror that you are letting him be in so much pain not just once but 3 times is just horrible. After the shocked look came the worst cry of pain I have ever heard from my sweet little son. And the worst part about it is that... it was for his benefit right?? I am not much of eccentric, and I usually jut go with the norm but I think it is worth looking into to see if I should delay some of his immunizations because 6 at a time just seems crazy to me. To think about his poor sweet little 2 month old body trying to fight and produce immunity to 6 different viruses or diseases just seems sickening to me. Okay so Eldon slept off the pain for about 4 hours after his shots thank goodness I had some pumped milk handy right after the shot or he would have never settled down. after that El woke up in a frenzy and nothing could settle him down, nursing... pumped.... music... rocking, none of the normal things helped they just fueled the flames. Finally I woke up Mark who was catching a few hours of sleep before is grave shift started, but I needed him badly so I woke him up in tears insisting that e give Eldon a blessing immediately... no getting dresses up just do it now ( as you can see I am not so good with crying) After about an hours Eldon Finally settled down enough to nurse, get a 3rd helping of Tylenol, and he was again quick to knock out. Since then things have been okay, it has been 4 or so days since his shot, and he was running a small fever yesterday, and was pretty warm today but not as bad. I just feels so bad making him go through all that. Everyone says he won't remember, but I think it is more traumatizing for me to see him in such pain and discomfort. I think I need to start preparing myself mentally for the next batch, because they are 2 months away. So pretty much moral of the story is I am such a bad mom, I can't believe I put my son through pain!!! :/ hopefully this week he will start to feel better.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My goal by Christmas

I have officially set a goal for myself and I want to accomplish it by Christmas. That is December 25th of this year I will be down to 162lbs! I am currently 187 :( I know not fun, but it is better than the depressing 201 that I weighed right before giving birth to Eldon. I know it sounds crazy losing 25lbs in less than 4 months but it is possible right? Okay so broken down that is 15 weeks between now and Christmas which would roughly mean I need to loose at least 1.7lbs a week, and doctors say it is healthy to loose 1-2 lbs a week right? Okay I really need this to happen I really love being healthier it makes me happy, and this is what I can do for myself. I just bought an Elliptical for $5 on KSL! I know crazy steel huh!!!! It just needs new barring which only cost $7.50. I am going to work out right after Eldon first wakes up and I get him back to bed, usually round 6am, then again when he takes a nap round lunch and then hopefully a 3rd time at 7pm. I am going to try for 30 minutes at a time but if 15 is all I can fit in at first then so be it, I just cannot wait to fit back into my favorite cloths...wish me luck... let me know it is possible!!

Picture Post

we wore this to go to Grandpa's man basement and watch BYU in their first game of the 2009 season. And they won 14 to 13
one of the only times i want crying after my bath... I get so cold afterwards
an attempt at catching a smile, a little to late however
that face kills me, he always gives me these faces and a worried look. I wonder what he is thinking
My favorite! doesn't my son have beautiful eyes!!!
A SMILE!!! I can just hear the cooo.....
my favorite way to sleep
Eldon in his Firefighter outfit!!! just chillin:)
My perfect little doll!!! What a good sport!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My husband- the fighter fighter!

So it has been a little bit since I updated, but things have been so stinking busy, Mark just started RCA lat week, he goes from 6:30am to 5pm everyday, and he just got switched to working grave shifts, and he works 4 shifts a week, 8pm to 6am so I have had a couple of tough night here all by myself with Eldon, It is amazing how much changing a diaper for me in the middle of the night just helps me out. I have missed that. I think I just like knowing we are doing it together. Eldon misses his daddy, I hope he isn't to sick of seeing my face. But as for me I am busy trying to clean the house and take care of my little man, I am really glad Mark is giving me the chance to stay home with him and watch him grow, because he reallydoes grow from day to day. I just love him so so so much. We have been practicing saying momma and mom, I spend half the day saying ma ma!! Sometimes I feel like I am training the birds all over again. Anyways We are preparing for Eldon's Papa's 24th birthday!! Which should be lots of fun, and we are also planning for halloween or out little El! Holidays are so much more worth it when you have your family around, plus they are so much fun. Okay well picture will come soon!! Love you all!