Saturday, February 28, 2009

Eldon's first kicks!!

Okay so I have a lot to post... but It is so late and so I will post the rest tomorrow... I just wanted to say one thing..... I started feeling Eldon move around, and this is like I know for sure for sure that it is him. Well I don't know how everyone who has been pregnant in the past feels about this whole sensation, but here are my feelings on all the "feelings":
Okay so this past Wednesday was when I started to feel my little man move around, and since then the kicks, twist, and bumps have increased like crazy in only 3 or 4 days. At first I was like this is so amazing and awesome... it was conformation that he was actually growing, and a part of me. But, and I don't want to sound ungrateful for the amazing things that are going on Inside me, but I wish he would STOP. Last night me and Mark went to bed around 10:30 and by midnight I still had not fallen asleep, not because I wasn't tired, but because Eldon thought he could use that time to kick every internal organ in his way, as he turned circles and cartwheel, and back flips, and who knows what else in my stomach. Finally I was able to take one of my anti nausea pills that finally helped me conk out around 5am! And now it is almost 1:30am and Eldon again is kicking away... all day long I try to get Mark to feel my stomach, and to feel Eldon move, but every time he puts his hand on my stomach... he stops moving, and now that the husband is asleep Eldon is using my insides as a giant drum. I really hope this isn't a sign of what is to come after he is born... hehehe I can picture Eldon crying all day, and all my efforts to calm him down fail, until Daddy comes home , and he is silent as a lamb.
Well anyways there are my thoughts on the whole Feeling the movements, don't get me wrong the feeling is incredible, but boy do I miss falling asleep!
I STILL LOVE YOU BABY ELDON!!!!! time to go to sleep now... shhhh I think he might have fallen asleep. love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie! I am so sorry! Looks like you have a very active little boy! haha! Good luck with sleep!
