Friday, July 15, 2011

Making it due!

The women of the Great Depression in the 1930’s knew frugality. One of their battle cries was “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”  I have been using this simple rhyme as my frugal checklist with dealing with one of my wants or needs. Especially when it comes to my hobbies. I have been wanting to craft like made crazy! I have so many ideas running through my head, and I am just either making them do with what I have or just putting it on the back burner for later.
I wanted to buy Gracie the most beautiful blessing dress, but the cheapest one I found that I like was around $75. WOW that's a lot for our means right now.  So I have some off white silk that I have been using for photographs ans I decided I can use that. I like the idea of her dress not being 100% white. Plus I have this great girly pink ribbon that I want to use on the bodice.  So I am using what I have and I am hoping that my poor sewing skills don't win over in the end. Plus I need to be making a dress for the wedding and a tie for Eldon. Maybe even some pants if he doesn't fit his in a few days. he has dress pants, but the boy doesn't have the bum to fill them out so I may just finally take them in, it has been since Christmas and they are starting to be too short.
So we are making things due:) If the women during the Great depression can do it ten so can I!


  1. My family has been struggling financially, and I'm learning to cook and bake from scratch because we really can only afford the essentials. It's comforting to know others are going through that, too!

    I suggest following Several women in the family write that blog, but the most prominent is Leila and she has great abilities in making things work! May give you some ideas or inspire you.

  2. I tried posting a comment a few minutes ago but it doesn't look like it worked. I don't get on this blogspot site enough I guess! Anyway, my comment was to let you know that I have some tiny white shoes if you want to borrow them for the blessing! When is it going to be? Kylie was tiny when she was blessed (maybe 8 lbs) so the shoes are little. I also have her dress but the one you're making sounds like it will be beautiful! (this is Shannon, not sure if my name will show up because I tried to post a comment and it keeps making me sign back in...)
