Weeks 3 & 4*: Poppy seed
My little zygote ,..
... And now we are here... 37 weeks pregnant, the End is near and I really don't know how I feel, I'm sad, excited, nervous, anxious, thrilled: All of these feelings come and go at one point or another during the day. I just know that having my little girl come home to our house will be the most wonderful moment. My family is complete and whole.

Weeks 37-Delivery (Month 9): Watermelon
Average size: 18.9-20.9 in, 6.2-9.2 lb
Full term! Baby Gracie is finally ready for the outside world... but who is to say when...
Little Gracie,
It's every mother's dream to have a little girl, and the moment I found out I was pregnant I knew you were on your way. I want to be the best mom I can be, for you and for your sweet amazing big brother. I love you both and want you to know and feel that every day of your life. You are my precious little flower and I know you will be as gorgeous as a rose.You have been specially made from your feet to the very tip of your nose. Me and your dad made your from scratch and it has been a long nine months of cooking, so keep safe and warm because, my baby girl, you are one of a kind. At night I dream I can see and smell your sweet newborn skin.You are as sweet as honey; such an innocent baby girl. How lucky we are to be blessed with you in our family. You will shine brighter than any star in the sky every time you smile and you will wrap your Daddy so tight around your little fingers. I want you to be proud of who you are and strive to be the best, you come from an amazing family who all love you so much! Put forth your efforts to achieve your goals and let God do the rest. I will always be your mother first, but I want to be your friend.Your are the most precious gift, that a mother could ever been given.
I can't wait to see you soon little Gracie, don't be afraid if when the first time you see me I am all sweaty and gross, trust me we will both get a bath, and then we will really get to know each other :) Until then stay safe and warm.
I love you more than my own life,
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