Okay so I have a lot to post... but It is so late and so I will post the rest tomorrow... I just wanted to say one thing..... I started feeling Eldon move around, and this is like I know for sure for sure that it is him. Well I don't know how everyone who has been pregnant in the past feels about this whole sensation, but here are my feelings on all the "feelings":
Okay so this past Wednesday was when I started to feel my little man move around, and since then the kicks, twist, and bumps have increased like crazy in only 3 or 4 days. At first I was like this is so amazing and awesome... it was conformation that he was actually growing, and a part of me. But, and I don't want to sound ungrateful for the amazing things that are going on Inside me, but I wish he would STOP. Last night me and Mark went to bed around 10:30 and by midnight I still had not fallen asleep, not because I wasn't tired, but because Eldon thought he could use that time to kick every internal organ in his way, as he turned circles and cartwheel, and back flips, and who knows what else in my stomach. Finally I was able to take one of my anti nausea pills that finally helped me conk out around 5am! And now it is almost 1:30am and Eldon again is kicking away... all day long I try to get Mark to feel my stomach, and to feel Eldon move, but every time he puts his hand on my stomach... he stops moving, and now that the husband is asleep Eldon is using my insides as a giant drum. I really hope this isn't a sign of what is to come after he is born... hehehe I can picture Eldon crying all day, and all my efforts to calm him down fail, until Daddy comes home , and he is silent as a lamb.
Well anyways there are my thoughts on the whole Feeling the movements, don't get me wrong the feeling is incredible, but boy do I miss falling asleep!
I STILL LOVE YOU BABY ELDON!!!!! time to go to sleep now... shhhh I think he might have fallen asleep. love you all!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Crazy, Amazing, end of Twenty
What a great week it has been!!! Papa came out to Utah for a business trip on Thursday... but I think all of us kids pretty much took up his time. So Thursday I got a call from Pat saying that he got something in the mail?! and that everyone was headed over to mine and Mark's. Papa showed up with Brittani and Pat, and we got to show off our apartment to daddy... or grandpapa as he will soon be known!!! Nic and Kristen showed up also to share in the opening of Pat's mission call!!! We recorded it so Mama could watch, Patrick got called to serve in the Winnipeg Canada English speaking mission. He is to report on June 3rd, and he was so excited... the whole time his hands were shaking, I bet that's a crazy feeling just finding out for the first time where you are going to be for the next 2 years, so his nervousness was definitely understood!
After all the initial craziness Daddy took ALL of us out to eat at Iggy's (my new favorite restaurant). It is so much fun to have the family all together... well at least partially together, we were missing the Hubby and Mama! but any excuse to have mom and or dad here is so nice. I definitely have been missing mom and dad more and more every year after I moved out. well anyways we headed back pretty late and dad had to leave because he had early meetings.
The next day we had a pizza and bowling night! After going to 3 bowling centers we finally bowled at the Wilk. Afterwards we went over to aunt Susan and Aggie's place, the whole Lovelace clan seemed to be there, minus a few, it was late and we headed home after a short visit.
The other day, Nic looked into our fridge and made a comment, "times are rough!" I think he meant we didn't have any food... which is so true, I have been so sick of food that I haven't gone shopping for
food in maybe a month or more... poor Mark I know:( so we finally went shopping and we now have food yeah!!!!! And my hubby is very very happy now that i can cook him dinner again... today lasagna tomorrow pizza and after that the possibilities are endless.
by the way a quick update, our little one is getting bigger by the minute and I can actually feel him every once in a while in there, and this Friday we go in for a 21 week ultrasound. We are very excited to see our little Eldon again!!!
What a great week it has been!!! Papa came out to Utah for a business trip on Thursday... but I think all of us kids pretty much took up his time. So Thursday I got a call from Pat saying that he got something in the mail?! and that everyone was headed over to mine and Mark's. Papa showed up with Brittani and Pat, and we got to show off our apartment to daddy... or grandpapa as he will soon be known!!! Nic and Kristen showed up also to share in the opening of Pat's mission call!!! We recorded it so Mama could watch, Patrick got called to serve in the Winnipeg Canada English speaking mission. He is to report on June 3rd, and he was so excited... the whole time his hands were shaking, I bet that's a crazy feeling just finding out for the first time where you are going to be for the next 2 years, so his nervousness was definitely understood!
After all the initial craziness Daddy took ALL of us out to eat at Iggy's (my new favorite restaurant). It is so much fun to have the family all together... well at least partially together, we were missing the Hubby and Mama! but any excuse to have mom and or dad here is so nice. I definitely have been missing mom and dad more and more every year after I moved out. well anyways we headed back pretty late and dad had to leave because he had early meetings.
The next day we had a pizza and bowling night! After going to 3 bowling centers we finally bowled at the Wilk. Afterwards we went over to aunt Susan and Aggie's place, the whole Lovelace clan seemed to be there, minus a few, it was late and we headed home after a short visit.
The other day, Nic looked into our fridge and made a comment, "times are rough!" I think he meant we didn't have any food... which is so true, I have been so sick of food that I haven't gone shopping for
by the way a quick update, our little one is getting bigger by the minute and I can actually feel him every once in a while in there, and this Friday we go in for a 21 week ultrasound. We are very excited to see our little Eldon again!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Twenty weeks!!!!! wow I can't believe we are halfway done... and at the same time I can't believe we are ONLY halfway done. I guess the good things in life do come to those who wait. And nine almost ten months is definitely long enough. I think I am just now starting to accept the fact that I actually have something growing inside me, and not just something a half me half Mark little boy! Every once in a while I think I can feel him. It kinda feels like he is just spinning in there, and once I think I feel him, the next second it's gone. I can't wait to have that constant little kick or punch to know he is there with me.
Who would of thought this was where my life would be a year ago?.... lets see a year or so ago me and Mark were just barely engaged and loving it, and now after all the things we have been though with trying to find a good stable home for our family, and with all the drama from Mark's family and trying to fit in, we are now about to have a son!!! every time I think about it I just think it is to surreal... to much of a fantasy come true! We are for sure being blessed. I just hope I can be just of good of parent as mine are to me. Because I don't know what I would do without that bond. And to imagine another bond just like it and maybe even greater, is just amazing and spectacular to me... okay enough of the mushy stuff!!!
Well the house is clean and that certainly makes me smile, but now I have nothing to do during the day anymore. Mark leaves before I wake up and gets home around 6 or 8 so I can't say that I am pressed for time... in fact I think I have too much of it, that why I hope that in March I will be able to start back at a full time job! Things have been just falling into place around our home, and I know we are being watched over. Heavenly Father has definitely shown his presence in our lives. I totally am a believer in when bad things happen or when trials come our way as long as we get through those trials together as a family they will make us stronger. And the Lord has for sure blessed our lives ten folds after the trial of our faith, and for that I am just amazed and in augh of where our wonderful life is going!!
Who would of thought this was where my life would be a year ago?.... lets see a year or so ago me and Mark were just barely engaged and loving it, and now after all the things we have been though with trying to find a good stable home for our family, and with all the drama from Mark's family and trying to fit in, we are now about to have a son!!! every time I think about it I just think it is to surreal... to much of a fantasy come true! We are for sure being blessed. I just hope I can be just of good of parent as mine are to me. Because I don't know what I would do without that bond. And to imagine another bond just like it and maybe even greater, is just amazing and spectacular to me... okay enough of the mushy stuff!!!
Well the house is clean and that certainly makes me smile, but now I have nothing to do during the day anymore. Mark leaves before I wake up and gets home around 6 or 8 so I can't say that I am pressed for time... in fact I think I have too much of it, that why I hope that in March I will be able to start back at a full time job! Things have been just falling into place around our home, and I know we are being watched over. Heavenly Father has definitely shown his presence in our lives. I totally am a believer in when bad things happen or when trials come our way as long as we get through those trials together as a family they will make us stronger. And the Lord has for sure blessed our lives ten folds after the trial of our faith, and for that I am just amazed and in augh of where our wonderful life is going!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Events around Valentines Day
These past few days have been very eventful! Eldon is getting bigger and bigger everyday... the proof is in the pictures! Lets see... Chloe has been in heat for days now, and has chewed through all of the diapers we have bought for her. So sadly she spends a lot of the day in the garage or in
Things are going great in the George house, Mark is busy working, I hope to start a new job at 1-800-contacts in march, and Bella and Chloe are just enjoying all the new space they are allowed to run around in. Well that is all for to
P.S the picture here is of me and Eldon 19 weeks 2 days Pregnant!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
19 Week
This week has been pretty great, Mark has been kept really busy with his crazy jam packed schedule but luckily he still finds the time to have fun. He just recently joined a new band which i know he is very excited about. He loves to play it makes him happy.
For Me this week has been great! I have started to feel my stomach moving around... it is pretty cool. I feel like he is just in there spinning away, and every time he gets close to my bladder he gives it a good kick!! That's okay though Mark said he will let him know what he did when he comes out! I swore this little dude inside me was going to be a girl but i guess we are just expecting one high maintenance little boy! Oh well... we are both just getting so excited, i know i am starting... well no that's a lie, i am already baby crazy. And Mark is getting there. I think once he is a

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