Friday, January 28, 2011

Cooking and Cleaning

Two of Eldon's favorite things to do in the world are cooking, and taking a bath! Here are a few special moments of Eldon cooking. He insisted on cooking a potatoe just like me. I wish he didnt get so camera shy because he really does talk alot! But Enjoy

The second video, I swear we aren't drowning our son, he hates water being poured on him, and he loved puting soap on his face. He thinks it is funny, and it usually is :) We bought this cool foam soap and he goes nuts for it!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Big Man

Pictures of my big man coloring.. well mostly trying to eat the crayon :)

He is so happy.. please don't mind the dirty house our washer broke and the other one is taking 2 weeks to be delivered
 Me and mark look at Eldon everyday and we comment on how BIG he is, and how that can't be the little guy we brought home from the hospital a year and a half ago?! But he is! He is super smart, and for sure can get his way. Eldon just turned 18 months old and attended church nursery for the first time. He didn't even know we left him:( I was a little sad, all I ask for is a few tears for momma, right? but no he just was so interested in watching. They have all the kids combined so a lot of the kids are older than him and I just think he is looking at them in awe. He loves to be big like his dad and now he gets to play with the "big kids" in nursery. We picked him up and he was a little red in the face from some tears, but mind you those tears are not for me or Marky, they were because church starts at 11am and is 3 hours long, and nap time is usually every day from noon til 2pm on a good day. But we survived, Eldon was happy, and me and Mark realized that they actually teach lessons on Sunday, and that we were able to pay attention for once :) It was really nice, and it is nice to have that transition with Eldon in nursery and having almost 5 months before Gracie come. Hopefully by then El will be a little bit better behaved in church. Right now sitting down for 1 whole hour just isn't what he wants to be doing.
In more news, Eldon went for his 18 month well visit and he is in the 50% for head and weight and greater than 98% for height!!! Crazy huh. He is now starting to combine words. Like he says more baba, and he says "dog,go, go, go" The last one I have to say is my fault, anytime the dogs are crowding Eldon when he has food I will say, " bad dog, go to your room." and Eldon will follow up with ,"dog, go, go,go, go..." Now mind you only me or mark really understand what he is saying, but it is so funny that he has learned things from us, even when we aren't teaching him, actively. I guess this means we are going to have to watch what we say :/
Well I think that is jut about it for updating, seems like the only thing I update on is Eldon, but this post is already toooo long, Maybe next post we will hear back from Marks trip out to VA and the testing he took for their fire department, and I will update some great news on that..... fingers crossed :) Gracie is now kicking me , literally, so I better go to bed so we all can get some rest! Night!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A little venting....sorry,tough week

Okay I have to preface this post and apologize, but I need to complain just a bit... sorry to anyone who reads this in advance:)
Alright, so today and for the past almost week I have really started to feel the effects of being pregnant. The great parts, like when I am still at night this little girl kicks away. She has such a sweet soft little kick too but she is very consistent and she kicks the same spot over and over. It's funny I will push on her little kicks and I can tell she uses all he little strength to push back. With Eldon he would give up and punch me hard in another spot, but I totally believe this little woman is just as stubborn as me! But besides the amazing feeling of having the blessing of feeling her grow and move comes the bad parts. For the entire pregnancy I have had this intense heartburn and it will not go away, if anything it gets worse. I have been prescribed 2 different types of medicine to help, and have tried several natural methods of helping calm the heartburn, but to no avail. And now this week something has happened to my energy level. I seriously feel like I have been kicked down and I barely have energy to wake up, which i really hate for Eldon :( , but I also have had this intense pain in my lower back, and now the pain is radiating down my leg. It seriously is painful to stand. I don't know what is going on maybe a nerve or something but i am in serious pain.
They say 2nd trimester is the easy most enjoyable period during pregnancy, but as of right now all I am feeling is exhaustion and pain. :( I can't wait to meet my little baby girl, and trust me I wouldn't trade this pain and my little girl for anything in the world, but I would wish to get some of my energy back. Sorry for my rant, I really just like documenting the good and not so fun parts of life, and this week really has been a tough one to get through. Pray for my poor little baby that his momma will get more energy to play with him:) any advice on how to get up and not feel pain can help too :)

In other great perfect fantastic news my little girl now weights 1 whole pound!!!!! what an amazing milestone!!!!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas 2010

Sooooo.. this is me procrastinating once again :) Seriously lately I have been so tired, all my energy is going to waking up and getting Eldon through the day happy! He and Mark are my buddies and all my energy is to them.. so onto an update:
Christmas was so fun and confusing and and CRAZY!! We got up tp my parents house Christmas Eve, we ate wonderful soup and then we did a Christmas message. Dad read I believe in Santa, one of my favorite books, and then he gave us all one,and we gave our gifts to Jesus. After that we exchanged PJ's and then "hat" gifts.
Christmas mornig Eldon climbed out of his crip at 4am and we were only able to hold him off until 6:30 when he refused to go back to sleep and he woke gran-ma and popa up!
We walked down the stairs to TONS of presents, and needless to say mark spoiled me I spoiled him we both spoiled Eldon and Mom and dad of course spoiled Eldon, me , Mark, Nic, Ella , and Krissy. Christmas was such a wonderful blessing to be with our family and enjoy one another. I know we won't always be able to live so close together so it's really nice to enjoy it while it is here. Here are some pictures that show more of the fun we had!