Friday Me,
Marky, Eldon, Mom, and Dad went to the pumpkin patch in
Riverton. We had a blast. When we got there we started running around to get the bet pumpkin... okay mostly momma, It was o much fun taking Eldon, and you could totally tell that he was having fun. Dad got the biggest pumpkin, and Mark got bit by one of the goats that were there... It was so much fun and a new experience. When we got back to the grandparents.... we all at down and got to work on carving our masterpieces. Let us know what you think. As for me it was the most fun I have had so far with Eldon... I can't wait to do more fun an exciting thing with him!
This is how we started off our adventure at the patch

The Whole Group

Eldon is our favorite little man

Dad and Eldon on the Tractor

Mom and Eldon

G-momma Love and Eldon

Picking out the best pumpkin

Dad and Eldon- "Momma thinks our tractor is sexy"

Eldon and the Pumpkin

Mom and Eldon picking out the BEST pumpkin

momma's Spider!!
Pappa's Wizard

Bet you can't guess who did this one!!

My Turtle!
So cute! Love the pumkins! Y'all are so good! I've never been able to do that! Eldon is darling! He looks a lot like Mark, i think!