Monday, June 21, 2010


I just got my hot water turned back on after 3 days of having a broken water heater, I am up to my nose in school work, mark is so busy with working full time and school full time that I see him right before bed and right after we wake up,
I am so excited to apply to the nursing program and work someday in my dream job.... I just took a wonderful HOT shower, my husband is such a hard worker, and he has passed all his test in RCA so far this round, my love.. my hubby... my boo has just finished round 2 of 3 interviews for SLC fire department!! (fingers crossed) he has an interview test with Murray tomorrow and he is looking into St George too. My beautiful little guy is breathing so sweetly in the next room sleeping through the night just as he has been doing since month 2.5, I get to go on Vacation with my momma and Eldon to GA,SC, and TN(so excited the beach has healing powers!!)
 I may not be where I want to be but I am so blessed in a million different ways that I don't have time to list everything! the lord has a hand in my life, and he knows what I can and can't handle. He knows when he needs to push me and he knows when I need to be carried. Some days It is hard to keep sight of the end of the tunnel, but it will come :)School will end Mark WILL graduate soon, I will be accepted into nursing school, and I will be the best darn nurse you have ever had, and I will either help sick children, or neonatal, or maternity, or maybe even someday a NP or a CNM who knows, all I know is that for now I am happy just being able to be where I am right now.
So many others aren't blessed with the things that my family is, and they may have trials that I may not be able to bear. My trials have helped me to grow and I know without them I wouldn't have all the blessing that I have now. Now I need to just make myself a better person to be able to handle the trials that hold me, and to be able to break through their bonds.
but after a day like today when I get to be with my hubby and go to the pool with him and El and even mowing the lawn together just makes me smile, words don't express how lucky I feel right now.... all I can say is :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like school and life is keeping you on your toes, Steph. These things will only make you stronger and wiser. You have a beautiful and positive attitude about it. Don't lose that energy and if you do for a little time, it's ok...just don't forget you had that positivity at one point and that you and reach it and invite it into your life again. Meanwhile, enjoy those healing powers of the ocean! The mountains and the trees and even those little sprouts struggling to come out of the pavement carry healing energies as well if you pay attention to them. They are so willing to give. =) take care, my dear.
