Okay I have no clue where the time has gone... no I do actually both of us in school mark working grave shift and El walking EVERYWHERE! Eldon has a new love for the outdoors... not the grass or flowers or trees, or anything "naturey"(he is scared of then) but he loves to walk outside on the sidewalk which as a momma freaks me out, I am there trying to hold his hand but he won't let me so I have to anticipate when he is about to fall. Luckily so far we have had 0% boo boos and owweeeys caused by the pavement. Here are a few pictures of our life so far. Just wanted a little catch up!! Love you all!
Eldon Loves His books: goodnight moon, twinkle twinkle, duck!Rabbit!, and his Disney books9dad read him these when he was in my tummy so he must remember)
Grandma insisted on Eldon taking a bath in her sink, so Eldon insisted on eating the measuring cups
Eldon's Mohawk-like father like son should apply here
Eldon and momma on our balcony during MAY snow
Our 2 year anniversary, we went to the Roof
When in doubt... taste it
Eldon is making his "ooho" face. Anytime he sees something he likes he will just keep repeating oo oo oo oo(not like the letter O but longer oooooo:)
Loving on Grandma a few days before her reconstructive surgery
Eldon, again as I said before, Hates grass!!! " Mom get me off of this stuff!"
Reading Twinkle Twinkle with El before bedtime
This boy loves his pasta!!!