So in our city there is a park, and in the park their is a playground, and in the playground there is slide, a slide that me and Mark take turns laughing at each other as we slide down it. This slide as you can see, has a drop off. whats worse is when you come out of the slide you cant bend your knees and sit up. So as you can see from this picture it is meas I come out the slid, mark snapped this photo without me knowing and I found it a few days ago. The other day I went to the park with the kids by myself and Eldon made me go down. When I am am laughing struggling to get to my feet, I here Eldon talking to some little boy, "My mommy falls down!" he is laughing and being so silly. So I say if I have to fall down every day for the rest of my life I will. Just to hear Eldon's sweet little belly laugh that reminds me so much of when he was little and I use to tickle him. So my advice to any and all moms out there is : Fall down, and fall down a lot, because you never know when your kids are watching. Don't take life to seriously because really how funny is it to watch mommy slip just like you!